
APCC Registration day

Sat, 13 Sep 2014

by Ian Cubitt
Posted: over 10 years ago
Updated: over 10 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 30 minutes before

Registration Day

• Registration Day is this Saturday (September 13) for Seniors, Juniors and Veterans from 1pm – 4pm at Topline Sports.

Please try and make an effort to attend at some stage during the afternoon and pay your subscription fees. The club is required to outlay quite a lot of funds at the beginning of the year so cashflow is critical. We do appreciate, however, that everyone has different circumstances and we are more than willing to accommodate an appropriate arrangement but only if you communicate with us. Please see myself or Sheila-Marie Killen if you need to with the knowledge this will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
• The club will have full access to the Topline Sports Indoor facility during this time including use of all nets and a bowling machine. Players of all ages and abilities are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

The club will have a BBQ, drinks and clothing available throughout the afternoon.

Topline Sports will also have their shop open, so this is a good chance to replenish the kit for the upcoming season.

The Topline Sports catalogue and other details can be accessed at:

Jim and the team at Topline have been terrific supporters & sponsors of the club over a number of years. Make sure you let them know you are from Ainslie and you will also be entitled to a 10% discount on any merchandise purchased.

• Fees for the upcoming season are:

Juniors – U12, 14 & 16​​$120
Juniors – U10 & Milo​​​$ 65

These fees are inclusive of all morning/afternoon teas, umpires and other costs throughout the regular season. Further, please see the attached flyer for membership specials available to Juniors that register on Registration Day.​


Topline Sports